"To see a good day... recognize the great things as tender mercies from the Lord"...
PROMISED BLESSINGS TO EVERY MEMBER as they share the gospel...
(In Doctrine and Covenants)
- He Himself will go with you and be in your midst. Nothing shall prevail against you. (32:3)
- You shall receive strength such as is not known among men (24:12)
-Your enemies will not have power over you (44:5)
- Your tongue shall be loosed, and you will have the power of God unto the convincing of men (11:21)
-You shall stand blameless before God (4:2)
-You shall be lifted up at the last day (17:8)
- Your joy shall be great (18:14-15)
-You shall have blessings greater than the treasures of the earth (19: 37-38)
-He will send upon you the Comforter, which shall teach you the truth and the way whither you shall go (79:2)
- Your sins will be forgiven (31:5; 36:1; 60:7; 62:3; 84:61 )
- You shall have great faith (39:12)
These are just to name a few.....
And then there was a little rain...
and more rain....
and we thought about doing the baptism in the flooded street!
Pre-baptism chores.... never a problem.
Querido Presidente,
Esta semana fue bastante interesante, y solamente quiero
decir, que esta semana aprendí el significado, de verdaderamente obligar al
Señor para darnos milagros. Nunca había hecho tantas cosas en toda mi misión,
que hicimos esta semana y tampoco había visto un milagro tan grande y tan
rápido de que vimos el domingo..... esta semana mi fe aumentó tanto. Sé que
Jesucristo es mi salvador y que Dios es un Dios de milagros. Lo sé con todo mi
corazón. Pero tenemos que dar todo en una manera que no es nada fingido. A
veces pensamos que damos todo, pero no es cierto, tenemos que ver donde nos
hace falta para poder verdaderamente obligar al señor, y luego la verdad nunca
podemos fallar.
Espero que tenga una buena semana,
Hermana C
Alejandros baptism...
The day we taught him about the Word of Wisdom he quit smoking and hasn't smoked one since.... it's been well over a month! He is our hero!
In the last few weeks we as a mission experienced a few challenges... but through the Lords help, and the faith and courage of the missionaries, all will be well!
- Elder De Leon lost his dad to liver failure (Didn't return home- relied on his faith)
- Elder Ellibee lost his dad this last Thursday (Knows his family needs the blessings of his continued service in the mission)
- Elder Park's family home in Hawaii burned to the ground and his little brother could not get his elderly grandparents out of the home in time and they perished. (He finishes his mission in three weeks and is giving all his efforts in this work to bless his family at home through this difficult challenge and tragedy)
- Elder Harolds returned home for surgery on a wound that would not heal
- Three Elders sent home for transgression/disobedience
Two things I continue to learn while here- #1 is that Heavenly Father is in charge and though difficult things happen we are never alone, and #2 that Satan never rests! These missionaries can never think they are safe, that they have arrived; because Satan is cunning, deceitful and persuasive!
Valle Del Mezquital Zone Conference
25 August 2015
- Elder De Leon lost his dad to liver failure (Didn't return home- relied on his faith)
- Elder Ellibee lost his dad this last Thursday (Knows his family needs the blessings of his continued service in the mission)
- Elder Park's family home in Hawaii burned to the ground and his little brother could not get his elderly grandparents out of the home in time and they perished. (He finishes his mission in three weeks and is giving all his efforts in this work to bless his family at home through this difficult challenge and tragedy)
- Elder Harolds returned home for surgery on a wound that would not heal
- Three Elders sent home for transgression/disobedience
Two things I continue to learn while here- #1 is that Heavenly Father is in charge and though difficult things happen we are never alone, and #2 that Satan never rests! These missionaries can never think they are safe, that they have arrived; because Satan is cunning, deceitful and persuasive!
Valle Del Mezquital Zone Conference
25 August 2015
Tezontepec Zone Conference
25 August 2015
Buenos Dias Presidente,
Esta semana, aprendí mucho. Tuvimos divisiones con los
Elderes en X y los Lideres de Zona. Aprendí mucho de sus ejemplos, y
esta semana, he aplicado lo que aprendí de estos Elderes.
Cuando yo estaba en Tulancingo, un milagro pasó en
Huauchinango. Hemos trabajado mucho con unas de nuestras investigadores, Chave
y Sylvia. Chave ha sido viviendo con su pareja, y sentimos desanimado porque
ella no pudo hacer una decisión. Hemos orado mucho para que un camino pueda ser
proveído. Padre Celestial escuchó y la semana pasada, Carmelo, su pareja, salió
la casa sin explanación. Carmelo regresó un día después, pero solo para decirla
que él no va a regresar. Chave es muy feliz y no siente mal por lo que pasó con
Carmelo. Ellas van a ser bautizadas este Sabado, y estamos muy animados. Pero,
mas que nada, estamos agradecidos.
Durante mis estudios esta semana, leí 3 Nefi 19:35. Jesus
dijo que él quería bendecir las personas con un milagro, pero no pudo porque de
su incredulidad. Sé que este es cierto y solo tenemos que dar una razón a Padre
Celestial para bendecirnos con un milagro como vimos con Chave. No tengo
ninguna duda quien es la cabeza de esta obra. Él siempre va a proveer Él camino
aunque cuando no entendemos como va a pasar. Lo he visto con investigadores y
con mis asignaciones en la misión.
Siento que estoy dando todo aunque sé que me falta mucho
como un misionero y discípulo de Cristo. El distrito esta muy bien. Tenemos
misioneros poderosos y diligentes en este distrito, y es una bendición y
privilegio para servirlos.
Con amor,
Elder F
Tulancingo Zone Conference
27 August 2015
( 4 Elders were late so not included in the picture)
Pachuca Zone Conference
25 August 2015
(Missing the Elders from Apan in this picture)
and they are off to their areas...
Sometimes mission business accomplished over lunch!
Dear President in this letter I want to share some things
that I am applying of the zone conference.
Every study no exceptions I am studying with: what?, why?
And looking for patterns. And I want to share a study:
I read Eter and I found this:
1. The brother of Jared did cry unto the Lord. And the
Lord did hear him. (Eter 1: 35, 37 y 39)
2. The Lord talk with the brother of
Jared, and chastened him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the
Lord. (Eter 2:14)
3. And the brother of Jared repented of the evil which he had
done (Eter 2:15)
4. The brother of Jared: Go to work. (Eter 2: 16) and the Lord
give him instructions.
5. The brother of Jared accomplished the purposes of God.
( built barges and He traveled to the promised land) (Eter 6)
After I read, I searched for patterns. And I found: Jose
1. JSH
1:16 He asked unto the Lord.
2. The
Lord rebuked him when Jose Smith lost the translation of the plates.
3. He
4. He went to work and the Lord give him instructions.
5. Jose
Smith reached the purposes of God.
This model helped me a lot, and the diligency in this
things is very important.
Also my companion and I saw a miracle. A big miracle, the
history is large but I have a testimony about to obligate the Lord. I prayed
and received. The last Sunday I and my companion to did all to help ours
investigators, we wake up them very early (We knock their doors at seven), we
send texts them, we call them, all things, every idea we did) so, we knock
their doors and anyone out. I was very sad. So I prayed: God we did everything,
you are obligate with me. I was waiting for a miracle. And occurred in the
darkest hour the light appeared. A young woman with 3 sons, she called us, and
told us that she is Guadalajara and she is investigator and she want to be
Mormon, and explain all her situation. She and her children was my miracle. My
testimony growed a lot!!!!! I love my Savior with all my heart!!!!!
Many things also have passed, many experiences I have
lived in this cycle. I Love the work misional. And I'm grateful for the
Atonement, each day is a new beginning.
Love u!!!
Hermana Z
_______________________________PICTURE GALLERY
Sometimes mission business accomplished over lunch!
Tecamac I Zone Fitness/Health Activity Day: Looking a little Tired!!!
Such a great group of missionaries!
Elder Castano as Oliver Cowdery
Elder Ellis as Joseph Smith
"Ward Activity on the Restoration of the Priesthood"
Elder Castano as Oliver Cowdery
Elder Ellis as Joseph Smith
"Ward Activity on the Restoration of the Priesthood"
Don't worry President... we will be fine! (Our district loves each other)
I have never questioned our Elders creativity....
"Set goals and deadlines to guide your work"
Stalker Mom !!
I needed to retrieve supplies from the storage area above Elder Messervy's house and before I cut through their back yard I snapped a photo through the window as he was studying... Scared him I think!!!
Making their house a home.... home sweet home!
Such hard little workers...and got the entire house finished in the nic of time!
Oh how we enjoyed an hours visit and dinner with Elder Smart, his dad and brother. Such a nice distraction from one of the most difficult weeks in the mission that we have experienced.
As my grandma would say, "this too shall pass".