Sunday, February 23, 2014

...making our days count.

"Don't count your days- make your days count."

Jay Jensen


Note to Parents regarding shipments:
 As you know sometimes deliveries here to Mexico can take a little bit of time. That being said- please consider allowing 3-6 weeks for deliveries. Again we strongly urge you to use the United States Postal Service for items coming from the United States- however, if you choose to use an express delivery company please be aware of the box on the customs sheet estimating the value of the contents; if it shows greater than $50 US dollars in value it is subject to an added tax of 16.8% upon arrival to the mission office. We are unable to pay for these taxes as money is due at delivery and we are seldom in the office to intercept the delivery. Our senior couple in the office do not have access to funds to pay these fees. The box will be rejected and possibly be mailed back to the sender, but more likely will be lost and unaccounted for- So I am urging you when ordering materials to be shipped here that the value on the box be put as under $50 dollars- so payment is not required here at the mission. Even boxes of things ordered from "Desert Book" directly had significant taxes due. We have found it most beneficial to insure the box if you want for  < $50 US dollars of contents but then add the value of what it cost for shipping. When we have had parents make a claim through the USPS showing it got to the Mexican Postal Service and that they wanted to be paid for the contents of the box and the $80 shipping fee- than amazingly the box showed up two days later. We have been told that sometimes packages are housed in warehouses and are lost until a claim is made and then they make great effort not to have to pay those claims and the packages are quickly located. I personally have never insured anything when mailing things to foreign countries because it was never of much value... as the shipping was 4x more costly than the contents. But, now knowing these details.. I might consider insuring the boxes if you feel it appropriate. We only on occasion have packages lost forever... but it can/does happen; though we feel very fortunate in the amount of boxes that do arrive here safely. We did receive information regarding "Global Mission Shipping" that helps missionary families with their shipping needs. But they have a special process so that taxes incurred upon arrival do not fall to the mission. I told them I would send their information on if it can be of help to anyone. We are doing well however with the United States Postal Service. [  (702)720-1515  (Derk Hebdon)]

These are pictures of a "Member Missionary Training Center" that our missionaries helped with in the Pachuca Sur Stake. The Mexico Pachuca missionaries are making great strides in the quality of their teaching. Its a constant work in progress... but President is so proud of their efforts and abilities.

"Members and Missionaries working together is the secret to success."


This sweet family has been waiting for this moment for almost 30 years, Hermano Jose was an investigator for this long of a time, and recently he said " Yes i wanna take that ship that my family took many years ago"... (Sister commented, "we can't take credit for teaching him as the previous Elders were just transferred out") , we really love to see this miracle with his family and the members of the ward. Jose was officially the first baptism in the new chapel of Pachiquilla.

Sister Contreras, Brother Jose and Sister Sanchez"The Sisters in the Mexico Pachuca Mission are the cutest EVER!"


I love how the members involve our missionaries

 in their "Family Home Evenings"


Zone Leaders Elder Cardon and Elder Kearl had a sweet baptism of this little boy on the right. The family has been reactivated and the little boys uncle (Rt) was able to baptize him while these amazing Elders taught him and prepared him for baptism.


P-Day Nerf Football in the House....

I can't even think of a comment... the pictures are enough!!!


We had Elder Galo arrive on Monday night from the Provo MTC. He is from New York, but comes from parents with Mexican and Honduran heritage. He speaks both English/Spanish very fluently. He fast tracked out of the MTC after about 10 days and so the rest of his "generation" will arrive March 17th. Welcome to Mexico Pachuca Elder Galo!


The members and Investigators are so kind to our missionaries... open hearts and open homes is usually what they experience. 


Zone Conference on Tuesday in Tulancingo 

President was very proud of the zone leaders and the two topics they focused on...

We sure were grateful for the  members of the local units who came and spent the entire day with us. That is a huge sacrifice for them as they adjust their other commitments. It is so helpful as they participate in practices, connect with the missionaries, and learn principles that the zone leaders and President Egbert are inspired to share. 

"See that ye serve Him with ALL your Heart, Might, Mind and Strength"   DC 4:2


Zone Conference on Wednesday in Pachuca Centro

President was very happy with Elder Felsted and Elder Hixons level of preparedness and the great participation of local leaders.

Buenas Tardes President!
Man, this week has been quite a week. So many awesome things happened that I couldnt believe some of them that happened. It is awesome to see our investigators growing their faith day by day and seeing the changes in their own lives. Last Thursday was an awesome day. We went in the morning super early to get some blood tests done and it turns out that the free marriages were that same day! It was crazy to see the Lord helping us through other people because it was almost impossible for the things to happen the way they did that day. Our investigator had to go in to work at 8 and all of the blood labs didnt open or do studies until 8. We walked around to various places and I watched as awesome people bent rules to attend to our investigator so he could get to work on time. Later when we went with his wife (already a member), she told us that they were already married because the free weddings were that same day. She told us a crazy story of how things happened that haven't happened before with happened and how people helped them to get married. On top of that, when we were talking about how they just got married we got a text from another investigator saying that she got the miracle she was waiting for in order to be baptized. I was so happy and astonished I couldnt believe what was going on around me that day. I love this calling and the power it gives us to ask God to help us with the people we are helping. We are going to do all in our power this week to make sure they all get baptized!
We have been working hard and I am thankful for my new companion for helping me to achieve higher goals. God answered another of my prayers when he put us together because I asked him to help me be able to teach more and work harder. Prayer is pretty "sweet".
The mission is the best place in the world, even if it tries us in every aspect of our life. My greatest desire is to always be as enveloped in the work of the Lord like I am right now.
Love you President and thanks for all you guys do for us.

Elder F

Oh... so we won the toilet paper- with the bonus toilet brush!!! 

 Those Elders are going to wish they had this supply-

So how did we end up with the frying pan?!

...just having a moment...

Pachuca Centro Zone February 2014


Tecamac I- Zone Conference on Thursday 

Our diligent Zone Leaders Elder Cardon and Elder Kearl making last minute adjustments prior to the start.

I love it when they grab President and do the example of "practice"...

"giving heed to God's messages through inspiration..."

Hola President,

Well this week has been truly an uplifting and amazing week. This week we found three new people, and president i know that i am here to help them i just know that i am i have felt it in my heart and i know they have as well. The brother is such a humble man its so amazing. He has a spirit that is so strong. He has had so many troubles come into his life but it doesn't stop him. He said some things that are so powerful. He said that we are like the air unstoppable and a force that can never stop, our voices are as rushing water and we we teach is the light and life of this world. He also said something that really hit home for me. He said the he is the head of his family and his wife is his arms and his kids are his feet. This man president i tell you is such a strong man he has such a strong testimony for his family and a love that is like Christ. The first time we meet him and walked into his house, i felt something that was just so amazing and a spirit of love. This lesson was the most powerful and beautiful lesson in my whole mission. I know that the spirit testified to them and i know that they felt the love we had for them. I have seen the change in myself this last two weeks its amazing. From going to praying about me to only asking what i can do to help them and my companion i has felt the spirit work through me and along side me. It is a blessing to be here in the mission and to be a servant of the Lord in this time.

I thank you for this opportunity- it is a privilege to have the trust of God and you on my side.

With love  Elder C

Lucky for you Elder Carlson your companion saved you the last piece!

 Took this cute picture as we left zone conference and they are waiting on the side of the road for the transport van to come by.... wouldn't you want to hear more about the "Mormon" church from these representatives?

Elder Carlson and Elder Rubio headed back to their area after conference... These two are working hard!!!


We can't always look primed and proper....

Tecamac I Zone - February 2014

Hola Presidente!

Well I defintely feel like I had a week of improvement. Whether it was in the key indicators or with my companion, a lot of progress has been made:)

Well our first triumph of the week was that on Saturday we had 10, yes 10, investigators progressing. Unfortunately only 3 of those held, but at least we learned what lessons we need to focus on this week, the day of rest:)

I feel like we are finally getting some good investigators now. This area seemed like it was slowing down pretty rapidly when I got here, but I think we have put a stop to that and are making some real progress now in finding new people to teach:)

The best lesson by far that we had this week was with the Gonzalez family. They are absolutely incredible. We met them a few weeks ago. The lessons that we have had with them before have not been exactly incredibly powerful, not bad at all, just not a Alma and Zeezrom moment is all. Well this last Friday we stopped by four an appointment with them. We have almost always taught just the mom and the dad, but this time their 2 daughters were with them. As we sat down I could tell that this lesson was going to be amazing, just by looking at the faces of the family after the mom said the prayer. We were ready. We started to teach them about the ministry of Jesus Christ and the Apostasy. As we got to the final parts of the restauration I could feel the Spirit so strong! At that moment the Holy Ghost was testifying of our words with an immense amount of power, bearing witness that the Church of Jesus Christ IS the Church of Jesus Christ. As we invited all of them to baptized, my heart filled with joy as they all accepted. What a great calling I have! To help bring the Exaltation of an entire family! I know my part is only to teach, but what a grand privilage it is to have! I love this work and testify the truthfulness of it with all of my heart! Jesus is the Christ! The Only person beneath the heavens in which you can be saved!

Thank you so much President! I am getting really excited for the Zone Conference about the Atonement next week!
 Elder P

.... Where are they now?

Elder Cristian Loza (Peru) celebrated his birthday the week after his return home in February. Cristian has one year left of Dental school to finish up... The most service oriented Elder I have ever met. And him below making the long trip to Bolivia to attend the temple. (Doing a service project on the grounds while he is visiting- no surprise there!)

 Our cute Elder Tanner Cortez ( 1st player with his helmet off in blue) who went home on August 17th started school at USU two days later- and tried out for the USU Lacrosse Team and will start the regular season this Spring...


Elder Spencer Shillig from Virginia returned home on September 28th and moved to St.George Utah where he has been working with his family who manufactures gold mining equipment. Spencer just returned from a trip to Africa where he was asked to translate for some buyers from Spain who were setting up equipment in Africa. 


Elder Jorge Lastra just returned home this February and sent us this picture. He is doing well and adjusting. 

 Elder Danny Poulsen returned home in Sept to Ely Nevada where he worked hard in the mines. He started school in January at BYU and is loving it. Danny has great roommates from California and last we talked is loving life! This picture reflects his fun and loving personality that we miss so much.


 Elder Antonio Noriega returned to Honduras in November where he was called to be a seminary teacher. Antonio took his English entrance exam for BYU and is hoping for acceptance to attend this summer term.


 Elder Onel Rodriquez from Dominican Republic returned home in November and has quickly adjusted back to being home. Look how beautiful his country is... He loves to attend the temple in his native country....


 Elder Austin Arnett returned home to Mesa Arizona in November and wrote telling us he was adjusting well back home, had started up his computer business again and had plans to begin school in January. The last picture I saw posted of him... he had a darling girl by his side. I'll have to get the updated story...


Sister Aracely Peralta returned home in November and is so missed here. Aracely has the most Christlike spirit- She sent me a this picture of the beautiful quilt she just pieced together. She is going to be an outstanding wife and mother.


Elder Dillon Dove returned home in November and we sure miss this spunky personality. He is busy working, dating, and going to school. He is helping with the scouting program in his home ward.
He saved our life when we got to Mexico... we will forever be indebted to Presidents assistants...


  1. Love following the blog! It's nice to see that you still keep in touch with those that have gone home. Miss you dear friend and in case I don't catch the blog next Sunday...Happy Birthday Salli!!

  2. Great post Sister Egbert. We all know these take much of your time and reading them is something I personally look forward to every week. It is fun to scan the pictures to catch a glimpse of our missionary. Keep up the great work. Much love, the Katich Fam
