Sunday, May 11, 2014

"If you have a Mom,

"If you have a Mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been."

-Robert Brault

Happy Mothers Day this weekend to all the wonderful Mother's, Grandmothers, and Mother substitutes who have influenced and inspired our missionaries here in the Mexico Pachuca Mission. I believe that Mothers or those who take on that role have the greatest potential for influence. President and I have the unique opportunity to witness those influences in a very unique way. We love and respect you for the time and effort you invested in your role. We also know that many of you who have influenced these missionaries may not be their birth mothers- however, your role as a mother figure has made a huge impact as they talk about you frequently. So thank you to all of the Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Young Women Leaders, Teachers, Neighbors, and Ward Leaders as we honor you TODAY!


Doesn't get any better than this!

 Our Sister Missionaries are busy doing what they do best! Showing some of those 'boys' how it's done....


The real test of an effective and efficient Zone Leader is his "chicken catching skills"....

Ward Activity in Tizayuca.... a fun success!  

Elder Cruz and Elder Macias


911  Bike Wreck

So this was a wreck of sorts... When we got the story of what happened I just laughed uncontrollably as they recounted it moment by moment. Elder Barrios and his companion Elder Unamuno were real troopers- well OK- Elder Barrios was the real trooper...and it goes like this: 

This particular companionship had just gotten bikes several weeks ago and so are getting accustomed to the whole bicycle safety. They had been at an investigators house who so kindly a few days before gifted a cool hat to Elder Unamuno. Two days later they returned for another lesson and the investigator gave Elder Barrios a sweater that was too small and would fit the Elder perfect. They went to leave the house and he decided to put the sweater across his handlebars. As they were riding down hill a little old lady with a cane yelled out "You should put that sweater in a bag".... to which the Elder responds "No, It's fine". Within three seconds the one sleeve of the sweater fell off the handle bar, and into the spokes of the bike. Causing the fast moving bicycle headed down hill to come to a complete stop and throwing Elder Barrios head over heels into the street. The Elder commented how grateful he was that he had a helmet on! Other than road rash, a little blood loss, ripped hole in his pants, and banged up knee, scraped up arms, hands, and face nothing was broken thank goodness. Ice packs and a little Ibuprofen helped relieve the pain and thank goodness for a kind and compassionate companion who hauled him home in one piece. I love these two Elders because their sense of humor is contagious and we all had a good laugh when they recounted the story in the office. So glad everyone is ok.... by the way- have you watched the bicycle safety video lately? 


 Elder Hixon and Elder Katich catching a ride to a different neighborhood to get Elder Katich a hair cut. The seats were out of the mini van as Elder Stucki and Elder Gonzales moved houses this morning and didn't need a few housing items. So we returned them to the office for future use in another house. Good thing Elder Katich is thin....

 P-Day afternoon activity for Elder Macias and Elder Cruz... Bowling can be rather therapeutic they say...


Tuesday Morning Move 

So what a fun thing for Elder Iverson and Elder Castro in Tulancingo- Lucerna. They had the apartment across the hall come open and so they changed apartments. This new place is a million times better!!!! No kidding!!! With in 2.5 hours we had everything moved across the hall and set up and they almost had the old apartment totally clean. They were just a little excited about the new "condo". Good job Elders... 

"Home Sweet Home"


Look what flew in from Utah...

What a fun treat to have Elder Kyle Bowles from Utah come back to Mexico for a visit for almost two weeks. He stopped by and stayed  a couple of nights with us and was able to be a part of leadership council in the mission home. He had a wonderful time visiting old friend, converts, ward members and investigators in many of the areas in which he served. He was also able to travel down to Veracruz and visit the temple there with a couple of ward members from one of his areas. He didn't want to leave as he loves this culture and the people here so much. Hope to see you again sometime soon, Kyle.


Wednesday- Leadership Council

  • Effective nightly planning
  • Following the morning study schedule
  •               - Including practices, and specific lessons to be taught to investigators
  • How to invite and explain the importance of Sabbath Day Meeting Attendance

Leadership Council May 2014 


Elder Kearl and Elder Gomez headed to an appointment after leadership consejo and then back to Tecamac I Zone.

Driving back from the bus station dropping off leaders I passed these two on the street waiting for a taxi and so picked them up and zipped them home which sits just ten minutes from the mission office. Elder Barrios is healing up from his bicycle wreck quite well..... (Love your serious look Elder Unamuno)


Thursday Zone Capacitation in Valle de Mezquital Zone

A little birthday cake celebration in honor of Elder Campuzano's birthday which he shared with everyone in honor of ALL the birthdays this month....

Zone Capacitation - Pachuca Centro Zone

And the photos above explain why President went to this zone and I went to Mezqital... ( love these crazy kids!)


Elder Mendoza and Elder Lopez stopping by the office...

So when I asked them what the first look was they said, "The look of the week... double chins!"  The sad thing is when you turn 45 yrs old you don't have to pose for that it just comes naturally! Elder Segura and Elder Esteves on divisions...


Buen Dia Presidente:
esta semana fue interesante con el cambio de compañero una sola area, me sentia nervioso en cuanto como lo iva a hacer, lo hare bien. En fin algo que hice fue poner en practica de lo que avia enseñado antes en las cartas, trabajar con los lideres, pedir referencias, contactar usar las listas, como usted ha enseñado hacer lo que savemos que devemos hacer.
Y algo que nos paso esta semana fue que eran las 8:30 y no savia a donde ir haci hice una oracion en mi corazon padre no quiero regresar aun a casa si estamos aqui es por algo, terminando la oracion aperecieron unos hermanos del barrio tezo que nos hablaron y nos dieron una refgerencia de una antigua investigadora tardamos un rato con ellos, pues nos explicaron como dieron con ella que nesesitava nos dieron todo lo que nesecitavamos.
Llego el dia que hicimos la cita con la referencia y al final de la leccion le hicimos la pregunta aquien conoce y nos dijo hay una familia que esta pasando una dificultad y fuimos en ese mismo rato,la familia tenia una familiar internada en un hospital y nos recibieron muy bien lo que paso fue apenas entramos en la casa de la familia entraron varios familiares conte 12 personas y me sorprendio un buen hicimos la oracion como enseño en una carta anterior y se sintio el espiritu un buen, enseñamos algo pequeño y terminamos y sacamos otra cita.

En la segunda cita enseñamos evangelio de jesucristo y fue bien espiritual todos aprendieron del bautismo y aceptaron de el bautismo y asistir a la capilla esta semana Esta vez fueron 15 personas fue una gran bendicion aver encontrado a esta familia, pude ver realmente que dios cumple sus promesas que nosotros al hacer nuestra parte el se ve obligado a bendecirnos Se que esta semana sera mejor por que encontramos muchos investigadores aparte de la familia Jimenez esta semana sera de intenso trabajo.... Elder F

Thank you Elder Pena and family for the generous gifts from Oaxaca, Mexico. We love your son and the asset he is to our mission. 

I stopped by to drop off a few supplies and these cute sisters were so excited to call home later for Mothers Day.  

Thank you for sharing them with us here in Mexico Pachuca for 18 months.


I came home from an errand and found this awesome sign hanging in our house and these two missionaries hiding out on our stairs. What a beautiful gesture of love in honor of Mother's Day.  Thank you for all the kind texts, calls, and gestures- it's true we have the best missionaries in the WORLD!

" A sneak peek of Elder Smith as he Skype's home for Mothers Day from Presidents office- the smile says it all!"


  1. Maravilloso el blog. Mama Egbert eres genial...

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being our sons other "Mom"! He loves you and we are so blessed to have you there to take care of all those sweet missionaries! Happy Mother's Day!
