Sunday, October 12, 2014

12 October 2014-

"Often our travels through life leave evidence of those speed bumps and land mines; but doesn't it shape who we want/have become?"

Dear President,
I cant believe how fast the time goes! I am loving it here in Mexico!
So we had some great lessons this week! I think the lesson that stuck out to me the most this week was one that we were having with a less active family in our ward. La Familia Suarez.. We are trying to practice the new rule that we need to teach all the members lesson one and have them practice teaching it to us and challenge them to share it with someone. So we were doing that with the mom of this family and we said the closing prayer, specially asking for inspiration of who she could share it with and right after the prayer she said she wanted to go right then and share the message! Well, we werent going to stop her, so we went with her and had a great lesson with one of her friends! It was so great to see how the spirit can inspire people to action and to have the desire to share the things they love and know to be true!
Also, conference weekend! I know that i had so many of my questions answered during this conference. I know God helped me understand the talks through the gift of tongues. I know that God answers prayers. Im so grateful for this gospel in my life and i know every part of it is true!Thank you for all you do!
Hna. Y (English Speaking Sister with 3 months in the mission)

Loving us some General Conference




Dear President Egbert:
First of all i want recognize your spiritual revelation for us and our investigators , while hearing the messages of the General Conference I figured out how you're an inspired servant of God, we learned the importance of the Sacraments and how to be good disciples of Jesus Christ.
I know that every one of us always can be better, i love how the answers of our questions come with the words of the Prophet.
Yesterday one man of a taxi told us " Sisters , who are you really? Do you put on a mask of friendliness to be a missionary? or is that who you really are?.
To be honest i had never thought about it, but that man made me think so much things.
Who Am I when president is not here? Who Am I in my thoughts? Am I a real disciple of Jesus Christ? Do I have this attributes?, This week was great! but i know that it could be better.
President I prayed to have this feelings, and this attributes to be "REAL". Even when i know that nobody's perfect i know that i can be better, i have this words in my mind " I love you, you are my daugther all this things are for your experience".
President I'm sure that if we believe who we are we will give more for this work, and if we truly are this disciples people will see on us more than a missionary, more than a pretty lady , they will see the Savior's face.
I'm so greatful for the personal revelation because i can feel the power of the Atonement and the desires of a loving Heavenly Father who is caring of me , I know that we knows me and Hears me , I'm so greatful for the challenges and for the pure love that i can feel for the people.
President this is the work of the Lord i know that, so He deserves more of me.

With Love, Hna. C (native Spanish Speaker)

Mision Mexico Pachuca Hermanas are the BEST!

"My friend Wily who is going to be a great future missionary"


"I love these pictures because it is 'behind the scene' of everyone putting their camera on the table for a group photo!"

 On "divisions" - Hermana Bailey and Hermana Liebano

"So President, we were thinking this 'super slide' and pool at the bottom would be a great new baptismal font in Molango!" "Why not?"


hola presidente!
otra semana mas y se aproximan los cambios estoy muy feliz por estar aqui he visto grandes cambios en las personas esta semana que paso fuimos a visitar a una familia que son miembros y la niña es converso reciente y el unico que no es miembro es su papa, ese dia en la noche que fuimos ya habiamos pasado temprano a verlos pero no estaban entonses visitamos a otra familia y ya íbamos de regreso a casa cuando vi que en su casa ya habia luz y senti que deberiamos ir asi que le dije a mi compañera vamos a verlos y despues nos vamos a casa, vimos a toda la familia reunida junto estaba su papa cuando empezamos a enseñar el no se fue de ahi, para esto dejeme decirle como era el con los elderes anteriores : se escondia para no verlos, con tal de no saludarlos no llegaba a casa se quedaba esquinas atras, tambien si el estaba en casa y los misioneros llegaban el se brincaba la ventana de su cuarto para poder salir de ella y no tener que saludarles.
realmente el fue un cambio total apartir de que su hija se bautizo algo cambio en el, no habiamos tenido oportunidad de enseñarle antes pero siempre su familia nos hablaba de el ellos quieren sellarse en el templo pero para esto el tiene que ser miembro asi que nosotras les pusimos metas como familia las oraciones familiares, la lectura en familia y las noches de hogar, y prometimos que todas estas cosas harían que su papa ablandara su corazon.
esa noche que llegamos a platicar y enseñar el estuvo ahi atento escuchando del plan de salvacion y participando, preguntamos que sentia y que pensaba al respecto el dijo tienen razon ahora puedo entender mejor no todo pero entiendo el proposito de mi vida, esas palabras llegaron a mi corazon por que se que el señor habia visto el amor de sus hijos hacia el y el deseo sincero de sus corazones, no dudamos en lo que sentiamos e hicimos la pregunta ¿seguira el ejemplo de jesucristo, y sera bautizado por alguien que posea la debida autoridad de dios? el dijo SI! en ese momento sentimos todos el espiritu sus hijos asombrados por su respuesta entonses nosotras dijimos ¿que le parece el 1 de noviembre? nosotras le ayudaremos a que este preparado el dijo SI! me preparare.
esa experiencia realmente me hizo sentir muy especial pude ver oraciones contestadas y una familia camino hacia la exhaltacion.
presidente gracias por ayudarnos por enseñarnos la mejor manera de enseñar a los miembros gracias por esos maravillosso consejos que me da me esfuerzo siempre por ponerlos en practica gracias.
mi relacion con mi compañera va muy bien ambas hemos mejorado mucho nuestra comunicacion y tambien tenemos muchas metas que nos esforzamos por cumplir se sin ninguna duda que el señor queria que fuera ella no solo por que yo podia enseñarle algunas cosas mas de la mision o terminar su entrenamiento sino por que el señor sabia que ella podia ser mas que mi ayuda y mi compañera...... mi amiga y mi hermana.
le amo presidente y esta semana tuve algunos desafios de salud pero estoy mejor hoy :) , gracias.
Hermana G. (Native Spanish Speaker with 4.5 months in the mission)

saludeme a su esposa les amo mucho a ambos con amor :) 
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Baptisms are the icing on the cake!


Mexico- No shortage of 'dogs'

 Sometimes the art work is quite impressive!

 "Cold, wet, and working.... Are we having fun yet?"

 "Each of us has the responsibility to choose. You may ask 'Are decisions really that important?' I say to you, decisions determine destiny. You can't make eternal decisions without eternal consequences."

-President Thomas S Monson


Happy Birthday in the Mission

Elder Rubio with his "birthday box" from Mom



"Yep, we ate them- they were fried with chili and lime. It was crunchy and not too bad; but I won't be eating another!"

-Hermana Boone-

This has been the cycle of "Special changes!" 

 These Elders are troopers once again as we retrieve Elder Ortega from this trio and he is moving to another area for 4 days until mission wide transfers. We are so grateful for their ability to "go with the flow" ! 

 Just 'chillin' on the couch waiting in the office for our companions to come back from the VISA office...

 We are so grateful for good members of the wards that help our missionaries daily. This good brother spent the best part of his day driving these two missionaries to the mission office for a final English Exam for Elder Smith. They live along ways out- so it was a big deal and greatly appreciated!

 President shining up his shoes...

 Conference time allows us to recommit to "do a little better than we have done in the past".  

Mision Mexico Pachuca is up for the challenge-

 Sister Egbert "diverted" to McDonalds for a little treat to celebrate Final English Exams by Elder Cordova and Elder Ordonez... and then onto the bus station to head back to their perspective areas! 

(shhh don't tell President)



Hermana Colby and Hermana Sanchez are a little excited about their 'awesome' family of 4 who got baptized last night. 


My surprise from the Pachuca Sur Zone with two Diet Cokes and chocolate to boot!

 Thank you - I love you all!

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