Commissioned to Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ
January 20th 2015
"Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end."
Each new convert with a story all their own...
Baptism of a sister who has been attending church for over a year. What a sweet, sweet day...
This great convert was shared between two wards as he was taught by the sisters on the right but lives in the area of the sisters on the left. He was baptized and welcomed into the Ward where he resides- TEAM WORK!
A great baptism of this convert who was baptized by President Lozano (Stk President) The missionaries in the area supported and helped with the wonderful service. Hermana Contreras leading the music and Hermana Peel playing the piano. I love it when a well planned service comes together!
"I'm grateful with Heavenly
Father, this baptism is a miracle..... really I think is a miracle.... her
named ... Irma and Aurora!!!! My companion and me are very
happiness .... :)"
Hola presidente,
esta semana fue llena de sorpresas y
desafios, aplicamos esta semana la charla franca con Irma por que nuevamente
nos dejo con la fecha bautismal lista y pues, no pudimos bautizarle la semana
pasada, hablamos abiertamente con ella el martes y le dijimos que pues ya no le
ibamos a volver a visitar tan seguido como hasta ahora, ella se veia muy triste
por que no podia cumplir su meta debido a su trabajo, su hija tambien, fue muy
triste para mi verla asi, pero no veia que progresaran asi que tuvimos que hablar
de esa manera con ellas, fue una charla muy triste .... sin embargo tuvo
efecto, el jueves nos hablo diciendonos que ... su hermano le habia dicho que
este fin de semana habia espacio para que ella pudiera entrar mas tarde a su
trabajo al igual que el domingo por lo que nos aviso el viernes a las 7:30pm
que si se bautizaba.... nos alegro taaaanto que corrimos para hablar con el
obispo y conseguir la ropa y cuadrar todo para que al siguiente dia pudiera
bautizarse, la verdad teniamos algo de desconfianza por que ... realmente....
temia que ella nos dijera ... "pues ya no"...!!! Pero realmente al
otro dia llego muy temprano y llego con su hija y tuvimos un hermoso servicio
bautismal, tuvimos problemas con la pila, por que no se llenaba rapido.... aagghh
fue todo un desafio pero con un final muy feliz,,,, dos almas mas .. para el
Señor... he podido ver esta semana la mano de Dios en nuestra area, encontramos
nuevas personas bien dispuestas y con mucho amor por nosotros, la conversion de
nuestras conversos y sus testimonios dia con dia crecen y me siento mas y mas
feliz de estar en esta obra...!!! Gracias por todo lo que hace por nosotros y
gracias por amarnos ... le amo un buen !!!
Con amor!
Hna S
_______________________________________________Day #3 Interviews/House Checks
Pachuca Mexico Zone
20 January 2015
It all starts with the zone leaders house and it couldn't have been more perfect!
Thank you Elder Sims and Elder Castano...
Constitucion # 2- Hermana DeFranco/ Hermana Guzman
Thank you for all your efforts... 10/10
Palmar - Elder Grajales and Elder Antemate
So I and a few previous occupants can only appreciate the progress with this house over the last year... this house used to be one of the worst kept houses in the entire mission. We have been blessed to have Elders live here now for some time that continue to make it better and better. This house was looking AWESOME! These elders even purchased acid and scrubbed the kitchen floor to perfection. It had years and years of abuse an looked totally different. Thank you for all your efforts Elders... we appreciate your example to your zone.They also recently found a bag of movies purchased by other Elders and turned them into President to be disposed of, now that is a real sign of obedience with exactness.... Love, love, love their commitment to being the best missionaries they can be! I think their bathrooms were the cleanest I've seen yet!!!
Constitucion # 1 - Elders Reese/ De La Cruz
These two Elders are the stinking cutest pair. They really care about each other and sincerely treat each other like blood brothers. We are so proud of the efforts they make to be strictly obedient and to assist their ward. Elder Reese is a great district leader ... we don't ever worry about the companionship he is in.
Tecnologico # 3 Elder Contreras/Elder Gamez
Miracles happen and this is living proof. Amazing what happens when one puts a little sincere effort- This house is the smallest house in the mission- but when cleaned up and organized is the most perfect house for Elders. Nice job Elder Contreras/Gamez as this is the best this house has looked in a long time.
Elder Gamez said "We worked on this for a long time!"-
... and Hermana Egbert can tell .... PERFECTION!
Tecnologico # 2
Hermana Castellanos- Hermana Calagua
These two sisters arrived at the same time and have found a few families that they are hoping will progress and be baptized. We look forward to good things happening in this area.
Waiting for their turn to interview with President. The zone leaders checking phones and agendas. Hermana Egberts oven has been broken for several weeks so it has been a store bought brownie and a juice box...but they love chocolate! So its made it easy on me....
Hermana Cerna/Hermana Molina
They have recently moved into this smaller place and it has been a much better fit for our missionaries. This old car fixed up would be a great addition to the work...
Nuevo Hidalgo #1
Hermana Afualo/Hermana Sosa
These two go together like cake and ice-cream...
It doesn't get any better!
Nuevo Hidalgo # 2
Hermana Diaz/Hermana Bailey
This is the first time I have visited this cute house. It is newer to the mission and in a great spot. It is nestled close to many members who keep an eye on them. The owners are really good about fixing and adding whatever is needed to help make the house safe and functioning. They keep experiencing the "fleas" or "bed bug" problem and are being patient as they try and navigate their way through resolving this issue. As you can see the house is spotless and organized- no wonder the fleas don't want to leave!
Real Del Monte- Hermanas Lorenzo/Markle
So this is the first time I have made it to this unique new little house in the mission. We recently put a set of sisters in this cute little pueblo. So different than what I expected... and deceiving from what you see off the road when we head to Molango. I loved this little town and I can see why they never want to leave. The challenge in this town is that the church is a long distance and the members are not able or willing to pay the 9 pesos to travel on public transportation to attend their Sunday meetings. That is equivalent to about 60 cents in US dollars.
Loreto- Elder Jimenez/Elder Jeppesen
This cute house is in a unique location on the side of a high mountain... gives me totally anxiety driving to it! When I arrive in one piece I always give an exhale of relief. This house was in the process of being cleaned when I arrived... I was impressed with their bathroom and they were making head way on the kitchen and dejunking things in their study area.
Nuevo Hidalgo # 3 Elder Ordonez /Elder Niro
This house sits in the far outskirts and is very, very simple... but some needed effort in the cleaning was obvious and so I returned the next day for follow up inspection. Much better- Thank you Elders...
Wrapped up a great day of interviews. Thank you Elders for assisting your zone in whatever capacity you are needed....
Hola Presidente!
This week went by fairly well. We had quite a bit of
lessons which was good. something that we needed to improve on this week was
getting the investigators to go to church. This is our challenge almost every
week. This week we decided to try out some different things. We have a lot of
ancient investigators that have assisted church a few times and we are going to
see what we can do wit them. We are focusing on the people that can be baptized
first and faster than the others. The weeks are getting faster and faster and I
cant believe that I've been here for 3 and a half months. I have no clue were
the time went.
it has been such a blessing to be here. I have seen a lot
of miracles already in my short time here. A lot of the changes have been in my
own self. Ive also seen the changes in the investigators. My family and friends
have also changed quite a bit. I never would have known that my mission would
inpact my friends at all. Most of my friends are none members and less active
but since my time here they have started to tell me how they are trying to be
better people. My family says that a lot of things have changed since Ive left.
The impact of a mission was more than I expected. The blessings that I have
already received and that my family has received is amazing. Its changing my
life for the better and it is changing the life of others that we come in
contact with.
Hope all is well President! Thank you for being such a
great President. Give thanks to Hermana Egbert too please! Love yall.
Elder J
Day #4 Interviews/House Checks
Tecamac I Zone
21 January 2015
Elder Iverson/ Elder Medina
This cute house of the Zone Leaders is rather simple, doesn't even have a kitchen sink... but they make due without one using an outside laundry sink. They live in a little bit of a rough neighborhood but have total faith Heavenly Father will protect and watch over them at all times. I love their efforts and faith in moving the work forward!
Jardine De Morelos
Elder Messervy / Elder Sanchez
Lets just say I'll be returning next week to do a follow up check on this house and take pictures then... the thumbs up means "See you next week Hermana Egbert and we promise we will have our house clean!"
Bosques # 1 Elder Caamal/ Elder Munoz
So this house was in perfect order ! I'd rate it a 10 out of 10! This is another house that has come so far in the last year. So proud of the the Elders who cycle after cycle assist in keeping this house the best it can be. I can usually feel the spirit of love and obedience in a clean and organized house. Perfecto Elderes! This district is also being very productive as a whole. They have 8 baptisms scheduled this weekend... I think two of them have the chicken pox.. but lots of great and effective teaching happens here!
And to make my day even better (which I needed after the first house visit!!!) Elder Caamal /Munoz had a cold diet coke in his fridge waiting for me.... doesn't get any better!
Bosques # 2- Hermana Guerrero/ Hermana Tuz
These are the two cutest sisters who have just endured two weeks house bound as Hermana Guerrero suffered through a "Chicken Pox" episode. Their attentive district leaders (above) delivered them lunch everyday. The sisters commented that they have read more material and done more studying in those weeks which will last them a life time. They also said "We will never complain about being tired after a days work... it's so much better than not being able to work!"
House in PERFECT order
Bosques # 3- Hermana Ortiz/ Hermana Anstee
What a perfect duo these two are. They live in a locked street where their phone service never works and so we couldn't tell them we were here to pick them up. The district leaders were YELLING at the top of their lungs from the front street. We left and came back and tried again- luckily they finally heard us and came out! RELIEF...
House looked great as always - These two are GREAT! 10/10
Headed to Interviews in the mini van after these three house inspections and Elder Munoz was out like a light in three minutes flat! That's a good sign of a hard working Elder....
Montes- # 2
Elder Bickley/ Elder Cruz
Paint job from last week looks great...
Paint job from last week looks great...
Montes # 1- Hermana Palacios/ Hermana Miranda
House was in great order. These sisters recently switched houses with the Elders above... for safety reasons. I guess it was a good move?
Your prayers for missionaries all over the World to be protected are important...
Pradera- Elder Carrasco/ Elder Ponce
This is one of my favorite houses when it is taken care of properly and these Elders have done an exceptional job! So proud of the efforts in this area as the ward support is very non-existent. They re-opened this area and E. Ponce is training. They have taken the good- the bad and have moved forward with the Lord's work.
So proud of them both! 10/10 CHECK OUT that white board!!!
Montes 2 - Elder Duran/ Elder Esteves
These two are doing so great together! They were running to meet me with their lunch in hand as the interview time interfered in their lunch plans.
Never a complaint and always happy and obedient.
Never a complaint and always happy and obedient.
"President Monson could we get a 100 more just like them?"
House was PERFECT!!! 10/10. Wouldn't have changed one thing....
Montes 1 - Elder Herrera/ Elder Lash
These two birthday Elders are celebrating birthdays this last week. What a fun memory to have here in the mission. They had their house in order and the addition that is being built by the owner might be finished by the time they return home, marry, and start a family! Double bonus is they have had water in their house consistently- that is a first! Elder Lash got a package from Grandma today!
Perfect timing... thanks Grandma.
Thank you Elder Iverson and Elder Medina for another great day of interviews in your zone.... We love you both!
.....Ayer tuve una experiencia espiritual para mi, fuimos
a Valle Fenix un pueblo en medio del bosque (realmente tenemos que pasar por
bosque para llegar :) y fuimos a ver a un Hombre llamado Victor era la segunda
vez que ibamos. Eran aprox las 5 30 el sol iluminaba un poco, el clima era frió
y a penas si se miraba que la neblina bajaba. Victor vive en una vencindad en
la que se tienen que subir unas escaleras de piedra muy humildes cubiertas por
un techo de lamina, al subir las escaleras pasábamos por los cuartos de sus
vecinos y al llegar a su vivienda era algo muy parecido como llegar a una azotea
y solo un cuartito. El saco en su patio unas sillas y comenzamos la leccion,
estaba sentada junto a Hna S y él enfrente de nosotras y todo el paisaje era
hermoso, arboles, un cielo pintado a punto de oscurecer con matices tono
neblina, pajarillos volando para llegar a su morada, podía sentir tan fuerte el
espíritu, en eso cantamos "Creo en Cristo", Creo en Cristo el es mi
Rey!! con todo mi ser lo alabaré. Le doy gozoso mi amor... Podía sentirlo Creo
en EL, Creo Cristo!!!, Me acurdo y aun puedo sentir esa paz, hicimos una
oración y verificamos su lectura. El podía sentir también el espíritu, le
comprometimos a ir a la capilla, a leer y orar. El ya tiene una fecha. Nuestra
lección duró probablemente 30 min, pero para mi fueron tan valiosos, no se dijo
mucho, no se habló de mucha doctrina, solo leímos 1 Nefi 1:1 pero sentí tan
fuerte una confirmación de que todo era verdad, que lo que hacia era cierto,
que ser misionera es felicidad. Para mi esto que paso fue una renovación en mi
testimonio, de una manera muy sencilla llegó esta confirmación sagrada mi vida,
después de toda esa semana para mi esto fue un regalo de Dios.....
H. Z
___________________________________________Day #5 Interviews/House Checks
Pachuca Centro Zone
22 January 2015
Zone leaders Elder Segura and Elder Ford starting out the day just right. They had their house in perfect order and lead by example; as do all our zone leaders. This is a great house in a great location. We are grateful for these small blessings...
Pachiquilla 1 - Hermana Colby/ Hermana Louis
These two amazing sisters are both "twins"... with sisters serving in other parts of the World. We are grateful for their exceptional work ethic and obedience. They are being blessed as they do their part and then obligate the Lord to do his part. House was in PERFECT order as it is every time I stop by- thank you for being so dependable. It is obvious which houses through the mission the missionaries spend P-Days cleaning- and then have daily routine in keeping up on them.
Pachuquilla 2- Elder Barber/ Elder Perez
President checked this house today for me on the way to interviews while I rounded up the zone leaders. His comment was they made a great effort on their bathroom and their beds were made...
Revolucion 2 - Elder Barrios/ Elder Carlson
These two sit in the far end of their area with the zone leaders taking the other side. It is long and skinny geographically so their bikes sure come in handy. This is a great little house- one of the best in the mission. We always make sure we have Elders in this house that we know will keep it tidy!
Thanks for your continued efforts...
Thanks for your continued efforts...
Keep smiling....
Pachuca Pachuca
Hermanas Negrete/Angulo/ Lam
A trio is hardly an easy assignment but Hermanas are taking it all in stride and making the best of the challenge. We appreciate their honest, obedient and hard working characteristics. House looks good-
Pachuca Centro
Elder Nolasco/ Elder Hernandez
These two are a work in progress... and when I returned two days later on Saturday to drop off a kitchen shelf they were committed to making greater effort in the keeping of their home. This is an exceptional house in a great area with the most amazing Bishop. He loves missionaries and missionary work. What a blessing!
Nice job Elders I'll be back in two weeks for pictures...

Real de Minas - Hermana Garcia/ Hermana Nunez
These two had not a paper out of place.... 10/10. I love the spirit of these two and see great progress since the beginning of this cycle in this area. Grateful for leaders that are patient and have a vision of what can be....
Bosques Del Penar- Hermana Cardona/ Hermana Nielsen
House in tip top shape as always and what a great house....
Look Mom they even have food....
Bosques Del Penar- Hermana Cardona/ Hermana Nielsen
House in tip top shape as always and what a great house....
Look Mom they even have food....
Sahagun - Elder De Leon/ Elder Butron
This is the best this house has looked since we arrived in Mexico. They have decorated and cleaned and organized. Thrown away things that weren't needed or accumulated and continue to deal with the damage from water leaks. Elder De Leon is doing a tremendous job as District Leader and is so detailed oriented and committed to being obedient. We love their sincere hearts.
Apan - Elder Zeledon/ Elder Martin
This cute house was in perfect order and though they often get visiting company (mice) through their door they take it all in stride and are working hard in their area. The senior missionary couple will be leaving here in February and these Elders are feeling the pressure to keep things rolling here in this branch in their absence.
We love their positive attitudes and desire to serve in this part of his vineyard.
Do you like the color RED?
Thank you Elder Ford and Elder Segura for a great and effective day of interviews in your zone. We were missing pictures from our two missionaries in Molango. But President interviewed them last week when they came to Pachuca for Zone Capacitation. They live too far away to travel too often.
Friday catching up on House Checks from another zone
Ixmiquilpan 1- Elder Child/ Elder Martinez
This house though not fancy is in great working order and in a perfect location. They are so teachable and willing to do what ever is expected. We appreciate their great attitudes.
Ixmiquilpan 2- Elder Morales/ Elder Yazzie
This newer house in the mission allows these two companionship's to be their own district. Elder Yazzie is stepping up to the new responsibility and loving this area.
Because I was starving and ruined their lunch time plans while they anticipated my arrival from another part of the mission- we hurried to local pizza place that I was brave enough to try and we quickly had lunch together. We even called President on speaker phone and he explained the answer to a question we had during our lunch. It was so much fun! 40 minutes later they were back to work as I dropped them off to their next appointments. These memories of spending time together with 2 or 4 missionaries will be forever ingrained in my heart and mind.
Love all our missionaries!
Love all our missionaries!
Stake Conference on Sunday 25th January in Valle De Mezquital
I wasn't able to catch very many of the missionaries for a picture as many went out the back door and I was in the front entry....
Hermana Chozo -Hermana Cuc with their investigator that will be baptized next week.
Loving us some Elders from Valle Del Mezquital
Picture Gallery for the Week

Look who I found in the street? Love these two great missionaries....
Elders you can take your Christmas lights down if you want?
Elder Fox and Elder Garza getting their SERVICE on!
I never heard the end results- Were you on Santa's naughty or nice list?
Headed out as a district....
This dog wants a little love from our Hermana Ramirez....
Even when your bike breaks down one has to put away the pride and do what's necessary to move the work forward.... pink and a basket isn't so bad Elder Bickley!
Hermana Schaumkel and Hermana Brioso gathering firewood to help an investigator who was gathering it to fuel the fire for her tortillas.
Some days in Pachuca are just cold and rainy!
It takes some effort to make us look this beautiful! Our little Christmas Tree and gift bags.
The Trio taking a selfie....