The Mission
"... when a missionary is placed in a mission environment of order and discipline where all that is done is in harmony with the Spirit, the missionary experiences a great transformation. The heavens open. Powers are showered out. Mysteries are revealed. Habits are improved. Sanctification begins.... Missions are are for missionaries."
-W.R. Bradford
........Usted me dijo hace unas semanas que yo y Elder B
necesitamos seguir trabajando diligentemente y encontraremos éxito; solo
necesitamos esperar. Me da mucho gusto decir que mis ultimas dos semanas,
empezamos a tener un buen de éxito. Ayunamos como un distrito para encontrar
más personas y tener más nuevas fechas. Durante las ultimas dos semanas hemos
tenido 22 nuevos investigadores, 3 nuevas fechas, y un bautismo. Tengo un
testimonio más grande del ayuno y de la diligencia. Espero que sepa que estoy
muy agradecido por cada cosa que usted, Hermana Egbert, y todos los asistentes
en las oficinas hacen para nosotros. Muchas gracias Presidente por la
oportunidad de trabajar con Elder M.... Se que vamos a ver milagros!
Elder J
"Lord...where shall we work, today?"
........Mi ultima semana en X fue la mejor semana. Me
sentí por fin 100% in unison con mi compañera. Y me sentí que la obra allí esta
progresando un buen. Me di cuenta que hice todo lo posible en ese área. Estoy
feliz porque me animó usted mucho después la capacitación. El día miércoles,
hicimos casi todo que nos dijo. Fuimos a la casa, trajimos nuestra lista de
miembros y presidente, usted es correcto! Tal vez no encontramos los miembros o
las personas estábamos buscando, pero encontramos nuevas! Y gracias a la lista
estuvimos en partes que no conocemos la gente. Gracias a la lista, hay mucha
potencial en X..... Aprendí un buen en ese área. Aprendí el arrepentimiento
sincero. Aprendí la paciencia. Aprendí que no soy perfecto pero Jesucristo es.
Sabía antes que Él es perfecto pero mi testimonio creció más. Nosotros
cumplimos 40 lecciones también. Sé que usted Presidente tiene la revelación y
sabe como ayudarnos tener más éxito. Gracias por todo. De verdad no hay
palabras. Nos ayuda. Nos anima. Nos ama. Gracias gracias gracias.....
Herman C
"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and disciplined."
- Henry Emerson Fosdick
Elder Gamez finishing his last cycle like a "champion"....
He was so grateful for Elder England as his companion.
Hola Presidente,
Fue una semana excelente. 6 en la capilla con fecha!
Conferencia General! y un compañero que esta animado! Que mas puedo pedir. El
señor me esta dando mas bendiciones que merezco. Las estoy disfrutando tanto.
Voy a hacer todo en mi alcance a ser un merecedor de todo esto.
Tenemos 2 bautismos seguros para este fin de semana.
Elder ______ esta bien animado a terminar con estos logros. No puedo creer que
ya pasó otro ciclo. Es interesante que aun con mi compañero dificil he
aprendido mucho y siento mas humilde que nunca. Que bendicion ha sido este
tiempo que hemos gastado juntos.
Seguimos animados a seguir. Con muchas bendiciones,
investigadores, y posible exito, hay mucha responsabilidad. Planeo dar mi mejor
esfuerzo para que cada uno de los investigadores que tenemos pueda convertirse
en un grandes siervos del señor.
Estos esfuerzos valen la pena. Un converso de mi primer
area sale en la mision este mes. Nunca pensé que pude hacer tanto en la vida de
los demas.
Me siento gozoso y contento y sobre todo bendecido.
-Elder E
Monday transfers...
11 April 2016
9:00 am
Via bus- taxi- and combi's
Good bye brother...
Photo bomb by Hermana Tobey!
.... and we are off!
Hermana Johnson and her first transfers.... CRAZY DAY!
_____________________________ encanta mas que realmente eh visto como el
espiritu hase de su parte cuando yo ago la mia esta semana nos ah ido muy bien
eh podido ver que al habrir nuestra boca muchos ya estan alli solo esperando
que les invitemos esta semana fueron 3 nuevas investigadoras ah hoy les veremos
solo dos aseptaron fecha baustimal y estan progresando muy bien estoy feliz de
estar trabajando en la obra del señor me encantan ahora los desafios son parte
de progreso para mi en lo personal eh visto como el orar y leer escrituras me
ah nutrido espiritualmente mucho estoy agradesida por que en esta capasitacion
aprendi mucho y al hacer ese canbio eh visto como nos dicen que si ah sido bien
padre gracias por su enseñanza......
Hermana S
#8 New Incoming Missionaries-
Greeted by assistants Elder Hayes and Elder Child
Introductions, breakfast, devotional and first interviews.
10:30-12:00 pm
Elder Meschini (previous assistant) - Elder Hayes
Elder Child (new assistant), Elder Meschini, Elder Hayes
......quiero compartirle algo que paso el fin de semana
de echo en mi antigua area pues la semana pasada estabamos preocupados por que
durante la semana no habiamos tenido ningun investigador y bueno eso nos
preocupaba muchisimo asi que el sabado el ultimo dia de la semana dijimos hoy
vamos a tener 3 nuevos investigadores y a lo largo del dia los buscamos pero
seguimaos sin tener nada pero en la tarde hubo una hora en la que dijimos esta
es la hora ahora los vamos a encontrar y los encontramos!!! no se imagina que
felicidad teniamos y esos 3 investigadores son muy buenos y eso fue el sabado.
el domingo sabiamos que habria cambios y yo sentia que me
iba a ir y de echo lo sentia fuertemente pero no queria aceptarlo pero eh oido
que cuando hay cambios los misioneros no trabajan y no tienen lecciones ni nada
ese dia por que se la pasan despidiendose pero yo decidi que hibamos a trabajar
y empezamos con lo que nos preocupaba los nuevos investigadores asi que
empezamos a buscar y mas que nada acreer que hibamos a encontrarlos y sii los
encontramos tocamos puertas contactamos referencias y buscamos contactos y
encontramos 6 nuevos en 2 horas y media puede creerlo???.....
Hermana R
Monday 11 April 2016
Outgoing BBQ- Devotional
1:30 - 7:00 pm

Elder Messervy, Elder Sanchez, Elder Gamez, Elder Garza, Hrmn Gonzales,
Hrmn Chozo, Hrmn Luna, Hrmn Melendez, Hrmn Lam, Hrmn Louis, Hrmn Beltran, Hrmn Guzman, Hrmn Alfualo, Hrmn Snyder
Good byes are not forever
Good byes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you,
Until we meet again.
Yep... everyone needs to take these two tablets in the morning on an empty stomach.
"De-Worming Medication"
Next.... etch your missionary ID name badge in this hymn book with a colored pencil
Next.... make sure you have the packet with your name on the front.
"This little white paper is your taxi voucher to the bus station to catch the bus to the airport. Please notice the time the taxi will pick you up tomorrow. Please be ready."
"This is actually happening.... we are going home!" ahhhhh......
Elder Sanchez (right) was so sick all night long with his companion Elder Johnson.
I doubt they will be eating raw hot-dogs before bed anytime soon....
Another companionship delivered Elder Johnson's new companion to him as they tried to recover during the first part of the day.
Needless to say he didn't eat BBQ in the mission home.
Good thing Elder Child has one good arm that still works....
....esta semana tenemos 3 investigadores de los cuales
estábamos un poco desanimada porque nuestros investigadores estaban cayeron y
en una lección en la iglesia una persona pregunto por nosotras y les dijeron
que esperara y que nos localizarían y estábamos en la capilla y cuando lo vimos
estaba llorando y dijo que se acordó que cuando le contactamos le dijimos que
la capilla siempre estaba abierta para el y que ahí estaríamos esperándole y
nos pidió que hiciéramos una oración fue un milagro que sabemos que cuando
somos obedientes el señor nos bendice el se llama angel hernandez y pues
estamos poniendo en practica lo que dijo para contactar y tenemos muchos
contactos le amamos y esperemos que siempre nos pueda seguir instruyéndonos....
Hermana G
"Sure going to miss that smile and giggle"
"Did I mention how much we love her laugh?"
"... durante este servicio he aprendido mucho, conocido a muchas
personas y lo mas importante he reconocido muchos de mis errores con la ayuda
de mis compañeros, nunca creí que fuera a terminar tan pronto... y ahora
estamos aquí a punto de terminar.
cada experiencia buena y mala me a ayudado a poder reconocer
mi potencial y se que al vivir de acuerdo a el nosotros podemos realizar todas
las cosas que sean convenientes a dios, el no pensar en el tiempo ayuda mucho a
mantener tu mente estable y enfocada en las cosas que son importantes.... he
aprendido que la restauración es la cosa mas importante que puede cambiar las
vidas de las personas porque trae el sacerdocio y cada una de las dependencias
de el a la tierra y el conocimiento de que alguien ya pago por las cosas que traen
sentimientos opuestos a la felicidad, se que el nos ama y que cada experiencia
nos ayudara por la eternidad, he aprendido a amar a las personas y lo mas
This is my the last time I will write you as "Hermana Snyder"...
What to say, what to say.
When I arrived in Mexico a year and a half ago, I was pretty excited. I thought I was pretty big stuff, having learned "lots" of Spanish and having had a great MTC experience. I'd always been pretty good at what I had done in the past - high school, college, etc. I always liked to win and be the best. I had a testimony of the Church and I was ready to serve.
I got here, I met you, and then I arrived in Huauchinango after a 4-hour bus ride; it was cold and rainy. It was a great first day and we saw miracles. But my second day in the mission field was pretty humbling. I remember we were eating at a member's house and everything just felt so strange. We had to go outside to use the bathroom and "flush" with a bucket, they didn't have running water, their "house" was one room with two beds, a fridge, and a stove. I didn't understand a word, they gave us something strange to eat, and I didn't even like tortillas. I started to cry and cry and I didn't know what I was doing in this foreign country so far from home.
As the days went on, I kept crying. But after about a month I realized that I would live and decided to start working. My trainer loved me and helped me by making me feel understood, even though we kept working hard and didn't waste a second. We saw great success and I started to understand why I was here.
The companions came and went, and I did too. I arrived in Actopan and then in Tecnologico and now here in Villas. The mission has been filled with ups and downs. Lots of tears and worry and repentance and change. It's also been filled with joy and happiness, peace that comes from the Holy Ghost. It's been the hardest, strangest, realest, best experience of my life.
I remember in my first interview I told you, "President, you don't have to worry about me. I know that this is true." But now, I can say to you with all the security of my heart and all the force I can muster: President, you don't have to worry about me. I leave different than I came. I now know. I really know! I feel like the blinders have been taken off and I can see a whole new world, a whole different perspective. I have been changed by the the habilitating power of the Atonement. I have seen His hand, felt His strength. The Holy Spirit has been my guide. My Father in Heaven has been my help.
I love this work. I am so grateful. Of all the greatest things that have happened and all the miracles I have seen in these 18 months, the greatest and most meaningful has been the change in me. Thank you for being the mission president and person and dad you've been for me. I can't express in words all that you've done and the example you've been and the impact you've had in my life, you and Sister Egbert. I love you.
Now I must leave this safe bubble that is the mission and go off into the real world. I'm sad and happy and nervous and excited. But I have no fear. As Elder Holland taught me yesterday, "The fact of the matter is that none of us wants tomorrow, or the day after that, to destroy the wonderful feelings we've had this weekend (or these 18 months). We want to hold fast to the spiritual impressions we've had and the inspiring teachings we have heard. But it's inevitable that after heavenly moments in our lives, we have necessity to return to earth so to speak, where sometimes less-than-ideal circumstances face us... Please don't be cast down in spirit and give up. Please, please remember tomorrow and all the days after that, that the Lord blesses those who want to improve, who accept the need for commandments, and try to keep them, who cherish Christlike virtues, and strive to the best of their ability to acquire them. If you stumble in that pursuit, so does everyone; the Savior is there to help you keep going. I we give our heart to God, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, if we do the best we can to live the Gospel, then tomorrow and every other day is ultimately going to be magnificent. So keep loving, keep trying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep growing; heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever."
So here's to tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that! With the Savior by our side, we will always be victorious.
With so, so much love,
Your daughter and friend and sister in Christ,
Hermana Snyder
What to say, what to say.
When I arrived in Mexico a year and a half ago, I was pretty excited. I thought I was pretty big stuff, having learned "lots" of Spanish and having had a great MTC experience. I'd always been pretty good at what I had done in the past - high school, college, etc. I always liked to win and be the best. I had a testimony of the Church and I was ready to serve.
I got here, I met you, and then I arrived in Huauchinango after a 4-hour bus ride; it was cold and rainy. It was a great first day and we saw miracles. But my second day in the mission field was pretty humbling. I remember we were eating at a member's house and everything just felt so strange. We had to go outside to use the bathroom and "flush" with a bucket, they didn't have running water, their "house" was one room with two beds, a fridge, and a stove. I didn't understand a word, they gave us something strange to eat, and I didn't even like tortillas. I started to cry and cry and I didn't know what I was doing in this foreign country so far from home.
As the days went on, I kept crying. But after about a month I realized that I would live and decided to start working. My trainer loved me and helped me by making me feel understood, even though we kept working hard and didn't waste a second. We saw great success and I started to understand why I was here.
The companions came and went, and I did too. I arrived in Actopan and then in Tecnologico and now here in Villas. The mission has been filled with ups and downs. Lots of tears and worry and repentance and change. It's also been filled with joy and happiness, peace that comes from the Holy Ghost. It's been the hardest, strangest, realest, best experience of my life.
I remember in my first interview I told you, "President, you don't have to worry about me. I know that this is true." But now, I can say to you with all the security of my heart and all the force I can muster: President, you don't have to worry about me. I leave different than I came. I now know. I really know! I feel like the blinders have been taken off and I can see a whole new world, a whole different perspective. I have been changed by the the habilitating power of the Atonement. I have seen His hand, felt His strength. The Holy Spirit has been my guide. My Father in Heaven has been my help.
I love this work. I am so grateful. Of all the greatest things that have happened and all the miracles I have seen in these 18 months, the greatest and most meaningful has been the change in me. Thank you for being the mission president and person and dad you've been for me. I can't express in words all that you've done and the example you've been and the impact you've had in my life, you and Sister Egbert. I love you.
Now I must leave this safe bubble that is the mission and go off into the real world. I'm sad and happy and nervous and excited. But I have no fear. As Elder Holland taught me yesterday, "The fact of the matter is that none of us wants tomorrow, or the day after that, to destroy the wonderful feelings we've had this weekend (or these 18 months). We want to hold fast to the spiritual impressions we've had and the inspiring teachings we have heard. But it's inevitable that after heavenly moments in our lives, we have necessity to return to earth so to speak, where sometimes less-than-ideal circumstances face us... Please don't be cast down in spirit and give up. Please, please remember tomorrow and all the days after that, that the Lord blesses those who want to improve, who accept the need for commandments, and try to keep them, who cherish Christlike virtues, and strive to the best of their ability to acquire them. If you stumble in that pursuit, so does everyone; the Savior is there to help you keep going. I we give our heart to God, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, if we do the best we can to live the Gospel, then tomorrow and every other day is ultimately going to be magnificent. So keep loving, keep trying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep growing; heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever."
So here's to tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that! With the Savior by our side, we will always be victorious.
With so, so much love,
Your daughter and friend and sister in Christ,
Hermana Snyder
".... my purpose was Mosiah 18:8-9, 21. I wanted to help people not feel alone, that someone understands exactly our pains, sufferings, sicknesses, all of it! And I've felt this and seen this more in the mission than any other place. Not gonna lie, my testimony was weak before the mission but through the rejections, the hardships of mission life, companions, food, diarrhea, etc. I've grown so much to love this Gospel and the people of Mexico. Its through all the tender mercies of everyday life that my love for my Heavenly Father has grown, especially in the Book of Mormon. I know that book without a doubt in my heart is true. And through much fasting and praying I not only came to know its truthfulness but that Joseph Smith also was a prophet called of God to restore His church and that church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I testify that Thomas S. Monson is Gods prophet. I know that my Savior lives and atoned for my sins. I know that God is my loving Heavenly Father who knows my name and loves me and loves EVERYONE (thank goodness I'm not God cause I dont have that much love) no matter what theyve done. The atonement is real because I've been saved by it and the power of prayer is so real that ive seen tons of answers to my prayers. I invite all like Moroni to really read and meditate to know if the Book of Mormon is true and ask God if its real cause I know He will answer and I know its true. This is my testimony and I bear it for all of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
Hrmn Afulao
President Egbert's final recommendations
regarding the transition home.
Hola Presidente como esta? Bien esta semana fue de mucho
aprendizaje en verdad la capacitacion me ayudo mucho porque comprendi la
importancia de la obediencia con exactitud y pues lo he tratado de poner en
practica cada dia y me encanta porque en verdad notar la diferencia cuando hago
todas las cosas con exactitud me siento con menos temor y me siento mas segura
y eso me permite que el espiritu pueda estar conmigo en verdad me siento muy
feliz porque tambien puedo sentir esa capacidad que Dios nos da de poder amar a
las personas es algo inexplicable que aun sin conocerles perfectamente logremos
amarles con un amor autentico, me encanta aprender y estoy decidida a dar todo
de mi por ayudar a mi padre a encontrar a esas ovejas perdidas que se han
descarriado.... Se que soy un instrumento en sus manos y me esfuerzo para poder
ser un instrumento util para el se sin ninguna duda que este es el camino, que
este evangelio pueda cambiar vidas!! En especial la nuestra y que bendicion mas
grande que podamos ayudar a cambiar las vidas de los demas! Presidente gracias
por su sabiduria por su ayuda porque me inspira a no dudar.....A obedecer a mi
Padre y cumplir cada precepto!...
Hermana A
Thursday 14 April 2016
10:00- 12:30 pm
New Missionary/Trainer Orientation
What a great looking bunch of missionaries!
Now that they have had a few days to let the dust settle and unpack their suitcases... they are ready to digest this mission specific training.
Apologies for not having more photos as I arrived in time for my part and to bring the donuts/juice (most important part- not going to lie) - I was busy helping with a special transfer because of an ill missionary.
President remarked that the leadership did an excellent job in their training where they split off in two groups and then with Hermana Sanchez (finances) and President Egbert together covering the finances topic.
Sorry no pictures of all of that part.
Elder Child- Elder Hayes (President's Assistants)
These 4 help in making it all come together...
Hermana Martinez- Hermana Davis (Senior Sister Leader Trainers)
Come on projector.... you can do it!
Bike safety video with the introduction by President Nelson estar caminando por la calle con elder B, sentí
la impresión de hablarle a una persona, la contacte y ella no quería nada, pero
me dijo sabe conozco a alguien que si le puede interesar, y le dije donde viven
y ella nos dijo yo los llevo, nos llevo y encontramos a 3 nuevos
investigadores, que se ven muy buenos, la verdad me sentí tan feliz, y como
usted dijo el hacer contactos eficaces cambia la perspectiva de todo, me
encanto hacer contactos como ese y me esforzare por seguir haciéndolo!!! quiza
mi carta sea muy corta pero en verdad solo quería contarle esa experiencia de
contactos efiacaces!!! gracias por estar al pendiente de mi y gracios por todo
lo que hace le amooo y en verdad gracias
I love this activity between new missionaries and their trainers.
They aren't too crazy of kids!
__________________ semana pasada cuando íbamos a ala capacitación a
bosques en el autobús que viaja vamos estaban sentados atrás dos jóvenes que
parecían delincuentes la primera vez que los vi pensé que tal vez nos
asaltarían después le dije a mi compañera que teníamos que contactar me pare y
hable con el del autobús contactamos y mientras hablaba con una señora sentí la
impresión de hablar con ellos así que termine con ella y fui a contactarlos el
joven se sorprendió mucho y acepto que lo visitaran los misioneros me pregunto
en que creen y le compartí mi testimonio yo pensé en ese momento que aun las
personas que no pensamos que están listas ya lo están se que todos merecen
conocer de este mensaje y pues ahora me siento animada por poder enseñar a
otros aquí....
Hermana S
Photo Gallery
What a privilege to meet up with the Returned Hermana Mylenek who is now a married woman to a great young man whom she met in her last area while serving in the mission. They are living in the Tecamac II Zone area and doing great! She travels a lot with him through the country of Mexico as his company contracts with the Church. She is doing school online through BYUI and in the process of helping her husband open another business. What a little power couple they are- we are so proud of her!
Villas Barrio Missionaries prior to transfers.
Good bye "Big" Santiago house....
We closed 6 houses this cycle.
We are women of "grit and determination". One bike was still in the bike shop being worked on. This was our first Monday together as companions, but we did our grocery shopping, and picked up our laundry with one bike!
BAM!!! Nothing going to slow us down....
BAM!!! Nothing going to slow us down....
The members through the mission treat our missionaries which such love and care!
Remember when?
We are grateful for the members that feed the missionaries daily. It's no small task...
The sister in the middle posted this picture on FB of these two missionaries who had been serving in her ward. We have the stinkin' best missionaries ever!!!
These two new companions met me Friday morning out by their gate for blanket exchange. I love their smiles... they will be a great duo!

Morning workout's are getting a little creative.
Boxes of Books of Mormon are not light!
Bubble wrap! Thanks Mom and Dad for the new bicycle helmet!
Returning Home...
Returning to the temple right after her arrival home was a top priority!
So proud of our missionaries and their focused, dedicated, and disciplined efforts.
Hrmn Guzman with her darling Mom who was so excited to have her daughter home.
Sister Egbert,
and I ( Elder Ferguson's parents- on the right) went to Somerset Pennsylvania today to attend the homecoming of Sister
Kelsey Snyder. She is everything that every missionary should aspire to be. She
exuded the love of our Heavenly Father and taught with power and joy -- a true
messenger. She told us that "Mision Mexico Pachuca" is an environment in
which the missionaries want to obey for love.
you again for giving so much. I thought you might enjoy these pics.
appreciation and love,
and Janine Ferguson
"What a special email to get this Sunday night- President and I so appreciate the many parents that make such an effort, as the Ferguson's, to support other missionaries who have served. Hugs from Pachuca..."
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